The Benefits of Self-Confidence

So far in my latest series of blogs I’ve considered the meaning of self-confidence, equipped you with several easy methods to boost your self-confidence, and looked at its importance.


As a quick recap.


The Cambridge Dictionary defines self-confidence as: ‘the belief that you can do things well and that other people respect you.’


Quite simply, it means you accept and trust yourself and have a sense of control in your life.


You know your strengths and weakness well and have a positive view of yourself.


You set realistic expectations and goals, communicate assertively, and can handle criticism.


When you’re committed to boosting self-confidence, never think you must change everything at once or set yourself unrealistic and unachievable goals.


Instead, focus on the incremental steps which can lead to sustainable changes in your behaviour. Setting small, easily met objectives will empower you to build on your success and constantly feel more confident continually. By starting small, you’ll work up to more intimidating yet impactful milestones with less anxiety.


As to its importance, self-confidence can enhance productivity, improve communication, and build respect.


In the final blog of this series, I now want to discuss the benefits that can be gained from self-confidence in the workplace.


There’s absolutely no doubt that self-confidence affects all areas of life.


Without it, people struggle to make significant progress.


It has a cascading effect on all aspects of our daily life. For example, it directly affects resilience, it is a specific dimension of building Resilience on The Resilience Wheel and, remember, Resilience is the ability to recover and reenergise after a setback and it is about “Springing Forward with Learning”. If you’re not confident you can get through something, the chances are that you won’t even try.


If you’ve learned that you’re resilient and can overcome problems, the odds are that you will be.


However, the opposite is also true. A strong belief in yourself about achieving something actually increases the chances that you’ll do it - and do it well.


In today’s increasingly competitive, fast-paced, complex, and unpredictable world, being confident that you can overcome emerging issues can often be the difference between progress and stagnation.


What would you prefer, stagnation or progress? Photo Lindsay Henwood Unsplash


Additional benefits of improving your self-confidence are:


  • A general sense of optimism and feeling hopeful about the present and future.

  • An improved ability to generate ideas to resolve the challenges you are facing.

  • As a Leader, you will improve your delegation skills as you will be an improved communicator and feel more comfortable giving and receiving feedback.

  • As a Leader, you will feel far more comfortable saying “I don’t know” and reduce any beliefs that you are supposed to have all of the answers.

How many other Benefits can you think of?


If you need further information about this approach, or any other Resilience topic, please contact