Why is Leadership so difficult?!? (It doesn't have to be).

I spend a lot of time chatting with Leaders and I’m often asked this question - “Why is Leadership so difficult?” Further comments around Leadership often fall into this list:

  • “Surely there is a better way of doing this?”

  • “Why aren’t my team performing?”

  • “There’s too much change.”

  • “I used to have a lot more energy and enthusiasm.”

  • “We need to generate more ideas/solutions, however, we seem to only discuss problems.”

  • “I know I need to make some decisions, however, I don’t feel confident enough to do so.”

As a Leadership Coach for roughly 18 years, I know that their experiences can be so much different and better. I know that there are a multitude of ways that these Leaders can make changes to their own behaviours so that they feel more confident and Optimistic and, in turn, can influence others to change their behaviours and feel better too!

The challenge is, whilst there can be some “quick wins”, it does require effort on the Leader’s part and when you’re already feeling overwhelmed, the idea of doing “one more thing” can sometimes feel like that will tip you over the edge.

There is a a better way!

However, please don’t feel despondent as there is a better way.

I often ask Leaders:

  • “What are your Strengths?”

  • “How are you using your Strengths?”

  • “When was the last time you felt energised?”

The conversation that follows, often gives Leaders hope and I can see a palpable calm come over them, with the realisation that there is an alternative approach to how they are approaching their role, which will enable them to feel more hopeful, more confident and make better decisions.

When I support Leaders, I make it clear that my intention is not to “add to” their “to do list”, however, to identify the things that need to stop being done (often they are behaviours) and to replace them with something else (different behaviours). This sense of hope and confidence comes from us identifying and harnessing their Strengths.

To clarify further my approach, it might be useful to say a little bit about the Why, Who, What and How of The Resilience Coach (that’s me!).

Why does The Resilience Coach exist?

To positively affect 100 000 people by the year 2025 by supporting Leaders with their lightbulb and realisation moments; by supporting Leaders to understand that there is a better way of leading themselves and their team. To support the building of an empathetic, optimistic, energising and inspiring Leadership approach that enables people to Thrive.

As of today I am up to 44 312.

Who am I?

An authentic human being and Resilience role model, a survivor of 6 redundancies. A collaborator, a “people person” and an energiser. 25 years in the ”Corporate World”, a Global traveler, a broadcaster, a Coach a Facilitator, a Speaker and (almost) 9 years as The Resilience Coach.

What am I here to do?

To support Leader’s to identify, nurture and grow their Strengths as a human being and as a Leader, to increase their energy, enthusiasm, calmness and Optimism.

How do I do this?

By having Quality, useful, supportive, enjoyable, positively challenging, Strengths based Coaching conversations with Leaders that enables them to pinpoint the Behaviours they are doing now that are unhelpful and motivate them to actually change them to more appropriate ones. This shifts them from feeling concerned, overwhelmed, tired and unsure towards clarity, focus, the right priorities, asking more, feeling energised, feeling relaxed and being a Resilient Leader role model!


Do you feel like this about your Leadership role? Photo Taylor Grote Unsplash


The So What?!

The clients that I’ve supported say the following things:

  • “I know my Strengths and how to use them!”

  • “I know how to harness my Team’s Strengths."

  • “I feel more confident about the Decisions I have to make.”

  • “I have focus and understand my priorities and the Behaviours I need to do.”

  • “I feel hopeful about now and the future.”

  • “My role feels simpler.”

If you would like to be saying, thinking and feeling the quotes immediately above, rather than the ones at the start of this article, then please do get in touch: russell@theresiliencoach.co.uk