The Importance of Adopting a ‘Strength Based’ Approach

So having followed this month’s blogs, you should now have a clear understanding as to the meaning of a ‘strength-based’ approach and how to adopt it in the workplace.


Now I want to consider the importance of adopting a ‘strength-based’ approach.


In the strengths-based approach, deficiencies aren’t ignored, nor are individuals asked to ignore their problems and pains.


Instead, the emphasis is that outcomes are based on a positive outlook and goals.


Nature is all about taking a Strengths based approach. Photo Chase Baker Unsplash


I believe this is important for the following reasons:

  • Individuals are seen as unique, where talents and resources are included as strengths;

  • Intervention focuses on possibilities rather than deficits;

  • Instead of goals being based on some random classification, strength-based goals are dependent on the individual’s desired outcomes;

  • The individual is the expert;

  • Alternatives and various options are explored rather than having a black/white approach to things;

  • The relationship is seen as a collaboration instead of as an intervention;

  • Instead of asking what the problem is, the individual is asked what situation they are in.


Look out for the last blog in this series – The Benefits of Adopting a Strength-Based Approach.


If you need further information about this approach, or any other resilience topic, please contact